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by: Jasmine Reed

Holiday season is right around the corner. It’s the perfect time to show our loved ones how much we value them and give back to those in need. We firmly believe in the importance of raising children to be incredible people, and selflessness plays a vital role in that. It’s never too early to start instilling such qualities in your kids. To help you out, we’ve come up with five ways you can practice selfless acts as a family, this holiday season. 

Adopt an Angel 

Lot’s of churches and businesses participate in sponsoring a child or family in need, by accepting either toys, food or monetary donations during the holiday season. Whichever you decide, involve your little one in the process by either letting them pick the angel off the tree, toy shopping, or simply explaining to them the importance of what you’re doing. The why is what’s most important! 

Donate Old Toys or Clothes 

We bet your little one probably has way more toys than they know what to do with, and way more than you’d like to clean up. So, we’ve got a solution! Gather up all the ones you know they don’t play with and have them pick however many they’d like to give away to a child in need, but they must pick at least one. Do they need a little more convincing? Offer an incentive that you feel best suits your little one, such as their favorite snack or treat, briefly extended tablet time or even a new toy! 

Send a Care Package to Soldiers Overseas 

Unfortunately, our service members don’t always get the opportunity to get home to their families during the holidays. That doesn’t mean they can’t get the holidays sent to them, though! Take a trip to your local grocery store and purchase a few non-perishable food items. Grab a few Christmas décor items if you can, too! Once you’re home, grab some construction paper and crayons or markers, and have your little one decorate a Christmas Card for a solider overseas. If you need more ideas, check out supportourtroops.org

Adopt a Pet 

This option might be a stretch for some, but something as simple and small as a goldfish, is always a safe option. It’s not that expensive and it teaches your child how to care for someone/something else. Or, if your family has been considering getting a dog or cat for a long time, the holidays is the perfect time to make the addition to your family. Humane societies are great option for those considering the latter. They’re always looking for a great home to send their animals to.  

Class and Teacher Gift  

It’s always so sweet to see kids bring little gifts or treats for their classmates on different holidays. Pick a day for you and your children to gather in the kitchen and bond over some baking. Check out delish.com for some ideas! 

 Here’s to a selfless holiday season and raising amazing human beings! 

Khiari Mcalpin